Relying on our strong skills in structured documentation, we support our customers in all their flight documentation conversion to XML structured format (AFM, FCOM, QRH, MMEL/MEL, CCOM, WBM & Airlines Operations Manual /Part A, B, C, D/). To deal with the digital format, all manuals should be restructered.

In AIRBUS environment, we are able to support our customers to convert all their customized FCOM "Flight Crew Operating Manual" or QRH "Quick Reference Hand Book" or FCTM "Flight Crew Training Manual" or MEL "Minimum Equipment List", AOM "Airline Operations Manual Part A/B/C/D" into XML structured format, and/or authoring and updating them once converted using AIRBUS XML authoring environment tools (ADOC, FODM) or other tools.

Since 2013, we are supporting ATR to convert all their flight operations documentation to the XML structured format. The implementation of EDORA specifications and ATR new manuals structure allow us to provide ATR operators with a strong support to deal with the new ATR XML flight operations documentation utilization and customization.
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